Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Aruba or Bust!

It's 5:56 AM, and we're all checked in waiting at our gate for our flight to Atlanta, and I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who made this past weekend so unforgettable.

The past week, for me, has been a busy blur of finishing a semester and preparing for and celebrating our wedding, followed by moving in with Jill. Everything went so well. Jill did a fantastic job planning our wedding, and I have to thank her mom and dad in particular for supporting her from the biggest decisions to the smallest details. I'm sure Jill's high school friend Lauren, who had been looking forward to Jill and Helen's innumerable hand-made touches, didn't leave disappointed. The church and the reception hall were both decorated perfectly. Our accommodations at the Amway Grand Hotel were beautiful; we had views to the North, West, and South, overlooking the Grand River from the sixteenth floor. It was a perfect weekend.

My only regret is that I didn't have more time to sit and visit with everyone who came to the wedding and reception. It was truly an honor to be surrounded by so many of our friends and family. I hope everyone knows how important it was to have you all there with us. We couldn't have had the amazing time that we had without each and every one of you.

Well, I'm sure I forgot to say something that I wanted to, but our plane is boarding now. Be sure to check back in for updates as the week goes on. No promises, but we hope to have the time to check in.

Now, off to the honeymoon...

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