Thursday, January 8, 2009


So, I totally agree that our address is lame and cheesy. I just picked something because "jimandjill" was taken, and I had just woken up (not my most creative time). Not realizing that Jill had disseminated our new blog, I briefly changed it to "jamesandjillian" but had to change it back so that you all could get to the page. That being said, I will be changing the address at some point, so here's your chance to pitch in and help us come up with a good handle -- cuz this ain't no free ride, folks!

Jill didn't like jamesandjillian, because no one calls us by those names. I kind of liked it, but this is *our* blog so I guess we should go with something we both like.

Jill suggested a play on my last name such as "kingandqueen" but the novelty of my last name wore off about 15 years ago for me. The fact that every English teacher or professor I've ever had thought seeing "King James" on the class list was the greatest thing since movable type also makes me lean away from my name as wordplay.

"redsbar" was also considered as a reference to the sweet bar in her basement that was left by the previous owners. I don't think either of us is quite sold on that.

So I'm fresh out of ideas. This is where you come in, oh trusty friends and family. What should we call our new blog?


  1. Jim, what's your middle name? If smashing that together with Jill's yields nothing fun, then you could come up with a smarmy (yes, it must be smarmy) line for the title and simply shorten it or take the first letter of each word. We don't really need to remember the exact address if we can remember the title and a trick for shortening it (and come on, we've all got it bookmarked by now anyway) :)

  2. emmm what about ji n ji its fare and sq friend ...

  3. Ours is meypfan, since that's our last names squished together. So how about you go meyking to make it easy for family? :)

    And I just need to say (this is the English teacher in me speaking) that I had never actually thought of your name in terms of how it would appear on a class roster, but now that you have pointed it out, I LOVE it! Your parents are geniuses... or have a great sense of humor. :)

  4. I just smashed together the perfect combo of your names! How about "Checkers" :)

    ... wait for it ... King-Me!
