Tuesday, January 20, 2009

You have to try this!

I've recently started getting into a bunch of Google's products, including Gmail, Google Calender, and Google Reader.  If you're not using any of those sites, you should definitely check them out.  But I was truly surprised how much I love Google Chrome, their new browser.

It's really quite a task to try to take on Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, but I think Chrome has done it spectacularly.  I really love all the drag and drop features and the way the tabs can be rearranged, features that I know IE doesn't offer, and I don't think Firefox does either.  On top of that, Firefox made my computer freak out, a problem that I haven't had with Chrome.  Lastly, I think pages are loading WAY faster with Chrome than IE.  So, as the title of this post said, you have to try this!

And for anyone who is worried about losing your settings from your old browser, Chrome can import all of your bookmarks and history, and even does so by when installing unless you tell it not to.  Pretty sweet.

Alright...I should probably do something more productive.  I did some homework this morning, and now it's time for food and a trip to the gym.  Tonight, I am going a student organization fair on behalf of the Law Review.   Hopefully that goes smoothly.

PS.  I know last week was "national de-lurking week" or whatever, but I'm curious to see who has found our blog, particularly my family who is relatively new to all this.  I reset the security settings so anyone can post comments about a week ago or so.  So if you're reading this, drop us a comment please!


  1. hello! I have tried out Chrome (along with just about every other google product) but I just can't get away from all of my firefox extensions yet. . .

  2. I read every single post you guys put up, thanks to Google Reader. :)

  3. Hi - It's Jill's mom. I try to look at what you write every day as well as Amy and Ben's and a couple other blogs. It helps me know what's going on with your lives. I enjoy reading your blogs immensely so keep it up!



  4. I've heard really good things about Chrome but I'm too much of a chicken to try it out.

    Though I do adore much of Google's products (Gmail and Google Docs, particularly), I do love me some Mozilla. I haven't used IE in several years simply because it is less open for hackers/trojans/etc. I've only gotten ONE virus since switching to Mozilla over 6 years ago.

    I think I found your blog through Amy's, since she linked to you in a post sometime within the last week or so (I don't remember). Hope all is well and that your classes are going well.

