Sunday, January 25, 2009


In case you havn't heard yet, I ordered my dress on Thursday! :-) Yatta!!! (Heroes dork.. I know...) It was the one I saw almost 2 weeks ago with Holly in Fowler, at Becker's Bridal. SUCH a relief! Now I can move onto other things! We got a special rate on tuxedos locked in this week, and my mom and I started on some things for centerpieces and favors... Now I need to meet with Mel sometime soon to talk invitations, as he's going to help us design them. And decide what to do about a florist... I'm getting there! And still mostly sane! Once again -



  1. Ditto on what Christy said--I'm expecting an email! :)

  2. Glad to hear the dress is ordered. I read the blog the other day but didn't have time to respond. I am trying to work everyday and the boys have kept me busy. This week is hopefully going to be a little slower.
    I had the chance to show the Christmas picture of you two to my former friends at the Middle School. Though everyone was very interested in details, Allie stole the show (sorry--- but that's what happens when you have an adorable dog that likes to pose.)
    Alex likes the new Jim 'N' Jill. He said that he labeled some picture as such and thought you might have taken the idea from him.
    Sorry to hear about the neighbor. I lost a cousin last week. He was just 45 and dropped dead from a heart attack-- a backache is the only complaint he had before standing up and annoucing he did not feel well and then collapsing. This was my second cousin in the forties to have died from a heart attack.
    Sadly there is a family history. Jim get your physical---promise me you will make the appointment this week.
    Good luck with the invitations.
    Keep up with the blogging. I'll be in touch soon.
    Love ya
    Mom King
